A nice script to do that is mkstage4.sh. I've been using it to backup my system for a while now, and it seems to work fine. Granted I haven't borked things up badly enough to require a re-installation in a while. I'll attach it here, so you can take a look and modify it for your uses. Hope it helps. On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 12:00 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote: > I'm considering experimenting with other file systems, JFS in particular. I > want to use a spare disk area and install an exact duplicate of my present > system, which lives in ext3. > > The straightforward way seems to be to copy the world file from the current > system to the new one (after finishing a basic installation using the > standard methods) and running "emerge -uaDvN world". Is this likely to run > me into problems? Perhaps I should prefer "emerge -1 `cat old.world.file`?" > > Another way would be just to tar up the old partition and untar it onto the > new one, but I think I'd feel happier installing into place. Seems cleaner, > somehow. > > -- > Rgds > Peter Humphrey > Linux Counter 5290, Aug 93