Marc Giger wrote: [Wed Feb 25 2004, 02:07:18PM EST] > A lot! Some month ago I made a new ebuild for 2.4.23 (search archive), > but it was never picked up and integrated to portage:-( My fault :-( > I'm willing to do the same for 2.4.25 but I'm still waiting for some > updated patches (e.g acl, superfreeswan, USAGI etc). Coolness, maybe this time I'll get it in! :-) Regards, Aron -- Aron Griffis Gentoo Linux Developer (alpha / ia64 / ruby / vim) Key fingerprint = E3B6 8734 C2D6 B5E5 AE76 FB3A 26B1 C5E3 2010 4EB0