I have postfix sending the mail to procmail. It tries sending it to spamassassin and I get this failure (70) when it executes. I know that this is really a spamassassin or procmail area that I should be exploring, but I thought I'd at least throw a quick message to see if others on Gentoo have experienced this and know of a resolution. #### OUTPUT FROM /var/log/procmail procmail: [1430] Thu Nov 14 06:28:40 2002 procmail: Program failure (70) of "/usr/bin/spamassassin" procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded procmail: [1430] Thu Nov 14 06:28:40 2002 procmail: No match on "^X-Spam-Status: Yes" procmail: Assigning "PATH=/home/joe/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/X11" >From jhoot@somedomain.com Thu Nov 14 06:28:30 2002 Subject: a test Folder: /home/joe/.maildir/new/msg.x #### My /etc/procmailrc VERBOSE=on LOGABSTRACT=all DEFAULT=$HOME/.maildir/new LOGFILE=/var/log/procmail :0fw | /usr/bin/spamassassin :0: * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes /var/spam -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Joseph Ryan Hoot Network Penguin Senior Systems Engineer joe@networkpenguin.com Phone: 323-692-4043 Mobile: 818-209-3260 www.networkpenguin.com GnuPG 260A7FED -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-