I brought my external dectalk express home tonight to install 2004.2 on my home system.  I ran into a real problem, and I don't know what would be really important in a bug report. 

I have an Asus p4c800-e deluxe motherboard with p4 3.4 and an s-ata hd.  I also have an USB 2.0 external IDE drive bay with an ata-100 hd which shows up as /dev/sda.  All went well, booted with speech, mounted drives, etc.  Only problem, the onboard Intel CSA Gig-e network adapter wasn't fully configured.  When I ran net-setup the machine locked with no speech.  On-screen msg was

disabling interupt 17
n interrupt not disabled
Or something similar (working with a 13 year old). 

I searched gentoo bugs for csa (no joy) and p4c800-e deluxe (joy, but only for pnpbios).   

It should be noted that I used the command line
smp speakup_synth=dectlk
So the smp enabled 2.6 kernel was loaded.  Prior boot I had used
gentoo speakup_synth=dectlk
But the 2.4 kernel did not fully recognize/drive the onboard sound.  Since I was hoping to get software speech up and running the soundcard support is critical.  Also, the smp support for hyperthreading is a "nice to have". is the driverr version listed is 5.x.x and the Asus site has an Intel 7.0.x driver for linux for the CSA adapter.  It also has an ALSA 0.9.6 soundmax driver.  The CSA driver is listed for RH 7.3, 8, 9 and SUSE 9.0, I assume this is all 2.4.x kernels?  I don't want to post a bug without fully vetting the problem since I assume that since there is at least one posted/fixed bug for the p4c800-e deluxe that someone else is using this board with no problem now.  The only question that is left is are they using the onboard ethernet, and if so, is this a problem specific to having speakup or optionally the serial port active?  Guidance please?  What can I do to provide the most helpfull bug report with the most accurate problem description I can come up with?


Cecil Whitley

P.s.  Since I have the universal CD, should I try patching the gentoo-dev-sources kernel with the driver from the Asus site?  I presume that I can get all of this built without networking, if my reading of the install.txt is correct? 

Now, what I have noticed